2005 – TV Soap Magazine (Australian) – Soapfone

TV Soap Magazine

(An Australian Soap Magazine)



Patch and Kayla Reunite! ….Or at least the actors who played them do for Stephen Nichols’ exciting new business venture.

TV SOAP: You and Mary Beth Evans were one of the most popular couples in history. Have you kept in touch?

SN: We see each other a lot. I’ve started producing video programming for cell phones and one of the videos that I’m developing is called, ‘Mary Beth is in the House‘. She’s a wacky, crazy girl! You’d never know that by seeing her on the soaps, so I’m following her around with a camera. She goes to have a medical procedure and says, ‘Hey, tomorrow morning I’m going for a colonoscopy. Come with me and bring the camera!’

TV SOAP: Tell us about Soapfone.

SN: You go to the website soapfone.com and you can download your favorite soap star’s (voices). These are the real actor’s voices that we produced in a voice-over session. They do everything from wake-up calls (like), ‘Hey get up and pick up the phone’.

I have Days, General Hospital, One Life to Live, and As the World Turns stars.

TV SOAP: What will fans hear on their mobile phones when they get a soap ringtone?

SN: Peter Reckell’s (Bo, Days of Our Lives) ringtone for example (goes like this), “I love you Fancy Face and I’m never going to stop loving you. You know how hard it is for me to tell people how I feel about them. Pick up the phone Fancy Face!”

TV SOAP: How did Australia end up as the first spot in the world to get Soapfone?

SN: I went to every company in the US, but the companies in the US wanted too big a cut. I found a company in Australia that I liked, and I thought it was a good way to go because Australia has such a loyal and great Days audience.

TV SOAP: Have you ever been to Australia?

SN: TV Soap brought me there twice, once with Mary Beth. It’s crazy down there. I like the country, it’s gorgeous!

TV SOAP: Last question… would you ever reprise the role of Patch on Days?

SN: Yes. I think it would be interesting, especially since the people I started out with (in 1985) are still on the show!

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